Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

[Dreamplug] Change DNS-Hostname

One may want to identify the Dreamplug via DNS-Hostname in the network. Per default, it always is "dreamplug", which is quite useful if ten dreamplugs are in the same net.

In my previous releases (which are based upon NewIT-Debian Squeeze Release) the hostname is easily configureable via hostname command, but the DNS-Name always remains "dreamplug".

To alter the DNS-Name, you have to edit dhclient.conf:

 nano /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf  

At the top of the document there's the line where you have to apply changes:

 send host-name "dreamplug";  

change here to whatever your DNS-Name should be and restart networking.

 /etc/init-d/networking restart  

Done - pretty easy when you know where to look for it ;)

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

[Dreamplug] DebianSqueeze_TBConfig_V0.3 GFI-Edition released

This Debian 6.0 distribution runs on's 3.3.4 Kernel and comes with preinstalled
  • Apache 2 (PHP5 and MySQL+phpmyAdmin included), Document root /dev/sdb1/www (which is on external SD-Card)
  • Mono 2.10 Framework complete
  • Support for standard USB2Serial / USB2RS485 converters such as FTDI-products
  • Automount External SD /dev/sdb1 and runs shellscript there. If not mountable, an internal M3S-uSlave on Port 62626 is launched. For further examination send M3S-Request 'a' to Slave #10
  • Note: This is a GFI Edition only, root password set accordingly
Further I created an USB-Stick image with Ubuntu 9.04 with included setup-Script to copy the install the above described distribution on internal SD-Card. Please note you may want to activate auto-installation whenever Dreamplug is started from this stick. To do so, boot from Stick and edit /root/ and uncomment the GFI-line (almost at the end of the file there). This starts the script when booting and signals finished installation with the blue LEDs.

Edit: In provided Stick-Installation the shellscript /root/gfi_setup/ has to be modified; At the bottom change version number of the Image from *v0-2.tar.gz to *v0-3.tar.gz, I mistakingly forgot to apply the changes. New Image is currently being uploaded but that takes half a night with my internet connection...


Bootable Stick for Installation on internal SD

 Operation System files for internal SD